Sunday, January 8, 2012

Never been much of a Blogger...

Or a journaler. I always start out with good intentions, then about 3 months (or weeks.... OK, maybe DAYS) in I completely forget I have it. And, I'm not going to lie and say I haven't rebought journals as a result. Maaaaybe more than once. Either way, writing has always been incredibly therapeutic for me. In moments when I need to sort things out, remind myself of things I've already learned, or just record awesomeness (or less than awesomeness)- the occasional journal entry has been so helpful (and a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy). And while its highly unlikely that I would share anything terribly personal on an online blog- I thought I'd at least attempt to join the 21st century and journal online. Hey- I did finally get a smart phone last month.

I'm not so into resolutions or promises (although committing myself to a gym/ yoga schedule DID score some exciting results in the past few months)- but I want to fill this journal with happy thoughts. With inspiration. And with motivation for continuing to write. Here we go!

This has always made me happy. Have a listen- and do try not to grin.